Look at yourself you are just a stain. Look at yourself, you have spent a decade in the cell. I pray you may never spend a second again in the cell. I pray you may stop selling dope, I trust your brain! Dope pusher, what's the plan, look at him, he is just a stain? Coke pusher, what's the plan, he must not die in the cell. Coke boy, choose God not the crack, otherwise die on the cell. ******* betrayal was our God plan, our society says no to *******.
We say no to *******, pusher calls it coke. We have a high unemployment rate but we say no to illegal drugs. We say no to ******, pusher calls it dope. We push to feed our fam, ok you **** whose fam with your coke? We have a high unemployment rate but we say no to illegal drugs. We push to feed our fam, ok you **** whose fam with your dope?