My status overwhelms them into frenzied worms My essence leaves them feeling worthless and lambasted in jealousy and envy My pristine mind sharp in clarity and knowledge prime irritates their mundanity leaving no options but defensive thrusts mired in lies and slanders My character shows the worthiness of Regina and impeccable breeding My big ornate and solidly crafted sword powerful and inherently skilled augurs amazement and burning passion and sheathed it blazes in glory why hail surprise when knaves and lessers rise in arms howling and growling with malicious menace to douse the gifted light to dam the lifting tsunami of talent to weaken a powerhouse of positivity and shatter a rare black diamond to smitterens its not a revolution or any new earth's order it is merely the banality of the wounded hate filled barbarians and insignificant heathens primitive man in nature baa baa baa
They used to say, We know we have plundered and looted them but there's something in the air, the lions is not sleeping tonight, the tom toms are ringing out , the natives are restless now 21st century in another corner of the new world you could say by all intent and purpose the native barbarians are restless and aggrieved and wounded.