The ripening berries Summer's last blaze when her breath is of jasmine and phlox is her sigh Let me dream then, of summer and float through the haze peaceful breath bed of poppies ceiling of blue sky
Let me float like a feather in the arms of the breeze Let me drift like a leaf on a tide, upstream with the murmur of water the soft hum of bees in a garden in peace in sleep in a dream
Send me love's angels to watch at my bed golden of voice and silver of wing; two at the far corners two at my head with my dreams all of heaven when softly they sing
Send me a light that can never grow dim love, like a candle to lighten my heart empty my mind of each worry and whim and the ghosts of nights demons that tear me apart
Till I float like a feather in the arms of the breeze and drift like a leaf on a tide, upstream love make me wise through life's cruelties sleep dry my eyes make me still let me dream.
A bedtime litany of self-healing. Written at a time when I used to suffer from sleep-paralysis nightmares.