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Jun 2013
Walking in my favourite boots
Brown  with the purple stripe
What a hype
Wearing my new red lace dress
With the sleeves down to my elbows
My hair in curls
Flowing down the side of my face
I spent 15 minutes on that
And I was proud.
I got a lot of compliments that night
It felt nice
To be noticed for a change
The best
Was being there with you
With them all
The lights were so bright
The cheers were so loud
Juggling fire
Dancing in hoops
The funnel cakes were to die for
The sweet deep fried dough
Dipped with the delicious sugar
Made my hands go sticky
The ferris wheel
I loved it
I teased you
Being in a cart alone with my friend
Sticking out my tongue
You sticking out yours back
Such carefree spirits
So high from the ground
I took some pictures of you with her
And I still have them
You with my friend
I don’t like them
I wish I was in them instead
Up above the world
The lights so far down
Just you and I
Sharing a funnel cake
Or maybe even the bumper cars
I purposefully steered towards you
And I noticed,
Did you steer towards me too?
Our cars bumping
A cosmic divide
But nothing drastic, I’m sure
Just enough to have a laugh burst from our lips
And our eyes to shine with fun
I didn’t even care that the man working there was so
So so so so rude.
You were there to protect me
And if it came to that
I think you would.
My dress matched your shoes.
I guess maybe,
Is that the universe
Telling us we’re meant to be?
The worst was the end.
You hugged her
You all hugged
I didn’t
I’m not one for that
I thought maybe
Would it be awkward?
I didn’t want to touch you
I thought maybe you would feel my awkwardness
And maybe it would be strange
And maybe you didn’t want to
But maybe you did.
And maybe
That’s the universe telling us
We’re meant to be
Penelope Hazel Dufresne
Written by
Penelope Hazel Dufresne  London
   AJ and Elizabeth Squires
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