in falsehood and malice supreme lame authors bloated with jaundiced juice whips out venomous pens to present their Salvador Dali of delusional pieces striking angst strokes sweeping fabrications as fevered imaginations draws twisted scenes only to blend in deranged explosion in drippy asinine arsenic
but behind their miry production we sight their pitiful malaise in vivid hues the hazy Gauguin in maddened throes laying the halves of nothing with one ear or like Picasso they mess it up and distort all for it surrealism and Cubism of guilty liars then we have those like dear Toulouse Lautrec for them in airey angst that they will never measure up small people with even smaller minds
so come view the artists of malice and falsehood the dodgy arts of the hateful dodgers or the hate filled arts of the heartless dodgers these embodiments of hate, jealousy, envy and irrationality leaking their pains on patchments as their wounded souls spill on to the canvasses of their self portraits