I sit here feeling the flesh of the world heaving with the enormity of today's pain tears are indescribable watching eyes chiseled from hardship, lips pressed into sepulchers of unspoken words
I kneel before an altar resurrecting childhood faith whispering again a scripture to relinquish this surcingle clenching my chest we are more than these dark hours we will rise
from the bleeding woods and hurricanes threatening security and any semblance
of peace
we are more than these crises and when the smog fades, the tempests retreat
we will lift our hearts use our hands and rebuild
humanity again
I awoke today feeling the heaviness of our world, the fires out on the West coast, the hurricane making landfall near my home on the East coast, people shrouded in fear and uncertainty, jobs lost. The world is crying, it seems. This poem is my prayer to our world that we will find our way back from these wanderings, that even though we are lost, we will be found.❤️