Housewives tire repeatedly Of empty answers, Inattention, the cliché She must live with day to day.
Oft, one has a sneaky feeling That a partnership stops growing When the moments turn to echoing. Repetitious, detrimental, Present and habitual, Diluting conversation’s scope: Buddy stripped to muddy-ship.
What to do to stave off ruin? Patience? Duty? Contribution? Temperament or character Of either and/or partner With the union a rehearsal Without thought of a reversal?
Can one remedy a situation Without simulating stimulation? How, when there is love, a vow?
Self-understanding standing under self?
Perhaps we’re counsellors to each other. Therapists with kindness very like a brother. Therapists who do not smother, But who warmly listen, A considerate, receptive cushion. “Tired of’s…” a mean exclusion. Certainly the wrong conclusion.
Tired Of 9.14.2020 Circling Round Experience; Love Relationships II; Arlene Nover Corwin