I wrote this back in 1993 The poem was about world problems Headlines material. It asked a question with its title and It re occurred throughout the poem, Where Do We Go From Here? And now only 27 short years later I have written the answer poem titled Immune. Here they are back to back.
Where Do We Go From Here
When a man named King Gets beat in the street and the line between right and wrong keeps getting thinner
When kids **** kids for the Jackets that they wear Because everyone wants To feel like a winner
Where do we go from here Have we all gone crazy Is this how life is to be Have our minds gotten So hazy that we can't see
When a man in Waco says He's Jesus,he promised Heaven to those who would believe,those who did lived and died In his hell
When inmates in Lucasville Riot and take control,what Evil do they possess that Made them **** even from their cell
Where do we go from here Have we all gone crazy Is this how life is to be Have our minds gotten so Hazy that we can't see
When the world buys what the media sells and we'll never know Just who to trust
When we still can't get Past the color of another Mans skin and everything We touch turns to dust
Where do we go from here Can anyone tell me Where do we go from here ?
Written By: Charles Kean Copyright was in 1993 All rights reserved
The world is beating to the rhythm Of a different drummer, out of tune It has become comfortably numb It has no doubtlessly become immune
To the missing children, to the killings On the street at the hands of a goon To the drug addicts and homeless Yes it is so totally immune
To the rate of abortions, to the hatred Sweeping over us like a typhoon To the political division, to the separation Of family, yes so very immune
To the bullying and shootings in our Schools, to the liberal buffoon To the lost morals and respect of Others yes it is so immune
To domestic violence, and runaways And Suicide and darkness and gloom To the loss of soldiers lives for our Freedom, so unconsciously immune
To the littered city streets and country Side, as if we’ve put ourselves in a cocoon We’ve closed our eyes to evil like the media as if it Doesn’t exist, oh so immune
To the Lost good will of man, to the Terrorism of 9/11 and the Antifa loon To the acceptance of evil acts and lost Teaching of God, oh so very immune
To the fact that even the Devil believes And as my tears flow like a monsoon I can’t help but wonder how and why We’ve become so heartless and immune