They tell me your a lie They tell me your not as sweet as I know you are They tell they're friends they love you They tell me they hate you They say your ugly They say you smell To me.... But I see nothing but greatness Why do they want to steal you? Why do they want to put you down? I see you smiling But I know deep inside your upset You kiss with force But no one see's this They think I'm stupid that I'm wasting my time Our fingers innertwine As we joke about eachother They say its not true That your just using me For what? Kisses? Amusement? Extra baggage? I'm not sure what to listen to So I decide to listen to you Though I hear whispers as I walk down the hall I ignore them And I think of your voice softly whispering in my ear "Don't leave me Erin, your mine okay?" I'm your's? I grasp tightly to those words Though I know talk is cheap Your sweet expression is art Worth millions "I won't leave" I whisper.