These freedoms I hold uhn uhn, respectively yet with Introspectometers nobody could argue law won't end they and you stand Chattled and bound huhn, systemary merit
For a day's clouds breezing through Los Angeles un an old good American towne
As the checks and smiles, mood cast- a shadow on a beach at the north end of LAX
Seventy writhing blights of unknown caterpillars unfurl and could set to follow the way the others' metamorphosis uhn uhn begins
These rights unto all is more for grunts though a labor of love then un whimsical moments
Shielding a freeway of thoughts while under the love of the leatheur glove since complex advents
Emergency water stationary for each small droplet is unleded by pipes, oh these last round of drinks were found by and by Barbed tendrils make confusion of cocooned well doers
Border runners in beige with bikini clad women on bikes... unknowingly, that's why, it was
Cast aside undulations of wealth are too grande for blessing under that guise
In so much there's one more uhn uhn the fervent image of aberrant ken sitting now soon to pretend... again?!
Civil recalcitrant obedience "we still eat apple pies!", isn't it?
It's of a place to be this Labor Day, unknowingly, the burning images of its peace & lore... is anon ashore and amaze of waves... found indefinitely
keep hoping a more substantial conclusion bout work and labor everyone does continue to go before it but can't think of it yet