Getting on towards midnight, my buddy signaled time for bed, I let him outside and joined him there,
The stars were resplendent in their clear heavenly glow, the moon painted back lighted silhouettes upon the lawn and shrubs, a gentle fresh breeze chased the remaining 90+ heat of the day away, musically rustling leaves of the yard trees as it passed through headed East.
The Orchestra of tiny creatures in the orchard and grass, were busily playing their rhythmic nightly concerto, in perfect harmony, like the very heart beat of the earth on which they abound in their vast multitudes, echoing their celebration of life.
The garden fountain bubbled it's soothing water sounds adding it's voice to the pleasant cacophony of collective night music.
I was lulled into submission as the breeze and the mood embraced me, and fell asleep in the old comfy Mission chair from my den., now relegated to porch duty, My dog resting in that chairs twin, beside me.
Around three AM the full moon rounded the house and peeked under the porch, lighting me up like an impertinent cop's flashlight. Encouraging us to move on.
Tucker and I did then retire to our beds inside , blissfully at peace with the world outside.
"To sleep perchance to dream" ah, but there is no "rub" here. . . Only peace and tranquility.
Another moment in time too perfect not to pen and capture. Maybe not for you, but surely for me. (and Tucker too).