I look over at her around 2 am and there are flames.
She stirred. She's constantly having nightmares fueled by past abuses Traumas beyond any pain I ever knew...
But so much of his cardiac tissue has petrified... The jagged edges cut into the soft parts as it tries to beat-- *******
I can't feel anything anymore.
The flames.
They're licking everything up How does she just sleep through them? Negating everything as the plasma shreds its chemical structure Pulling apart molecules and sending them off into the sky
Licking my eyeballs, licking her face Licking what it means to me, combusting this bed
I fill my rocky heart with as much guilt as I can muster, trying to contain these flames with an emotion Up to my eyes, you know... Trying to tell myself I'll put out that fire for good.
My eyes just sort of leak. I watch the bedroom burn My nerves pop and crackle In the growing inferno
I become a marionette of the dancing fire Confused by my own flickering actions And sick selfish dialogue
Laying still, I watch my life get mocked by twitching shadows And I can make the flames go away but they're there