Your defined frame electrified the boundless rhymes in my mind,
took me inside your pleasurable paradise, writing poetic lines
about your exhilarating design, craving your high rhyming fever,
going deeper in your cherishing creek, the taste so sweet, making
me feel so freaky inside, yearning to explore your shore, embrace
the caresses and kisses, the supreme senses deepening my love
for you, the moments magnifying, brightening like an endless
star in the rapturous night, a vibrating melody moving in my cells.
You left me wanting to feel more of you, calling out to you,
just to hear the celestial sounds of your voice replying back
to me, giving me unspeakable joy as I felt like I could fly
like a colorful butterfly, hovering over perfumed blossoms,
your masculine cologne so seductively strong, humming to me
like a buzzing bee, causing my heart to freeze in your incredibly
suave seas, the music in you so soothing and true, lost in your
groove, your careening creamy chocolate in my continent,
your dreadhead delectableness, your awesome arms,
indescribable thighs, and luminescent legs, everything
so wondrously whirling in my vessel.