I am 'The Incredible Aging Man" Aging right before your eyes Something I plan to continue to do Until the day I up and die
Watch as the wrinkles magically appear In the most unlikely of places See the thinning of hair, the enlarging of ears The forgetfulness of where I last placed it
Learn how to use your patience As over time I am losing mine Using familiar phrases like it'll be okay And you're going to be just fine
Show up with loud voices As my hearing starts to wain And feel free to read letters to me As my eye sight does the same
Listen in as I moan and groan When weak in the knees I bend and buckle Come with me on the day they put me away As I become increasingly befuddled
Sit with me here as into the distance I stare Forgetting now who I am I do so hope you enjoy the show Of this "The Incredible Aging Man"