This could have been written with different pronouns (you, one, we etc.) but I have no hesitation in using the confessional I, since I’m pretty sure that I is you is we all.
The Older I Become #3
The older I become The more I need to meditate, The date with death come into sight. Not all people have, feel, need this need, The quandary multi-sided:
Disliking the idea of ceasing, Vanishing, not knowing If we go nowhere, somewhere or anywhere. And as perplexing: Loving living, Loving what each breath is giving Even though the world’s in downfall, Twisted egos big and small; Endless ills and kills banal. Saddest and regrettable, Gifts that die, disposable.
The basic problem may be fear: Deep and cold as one grows old; An angst and anger at no longer being; Feuds between the bad and good; The sense of global threat and danger; Scared of losing what comes closer… God knows what…
And so I meditate.
The Older I Become #3 8.3.2020 Birth, Death & In Between; Circling Round Experience; The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative II; Circling Round Ageing; Arlene Nover Corwin