The devil comes to steal. He works in mysterious ways! He is a taker of life. He comes without warning His arrival is never known
The pain of a life lost he know not! Why does he pounce unexpectedly Leaving no time to prepare It might be gradual Adding to the pain and helplessness Or sudden where we expect not
Why does he take what he hasn't given He is a thief, robbing and sapping the joy out of us He is undeserving of anything yet leaves us devoid The misery of the loss unbearable No love spared but the cultivation of hate. With a heavy heart, we mourn the loss
A visionary taken from us Our lives will never be the same We have a legacy to pass on To inspire the progeny To dream of a future with no bounds The future of Wakanda, not a forgotten empire It is the the rebirth of a new nation under one flag. Long live Chadwick and a dream fulfilled!