If all your gardens were well tendered and fertile would you all have any inclinations to come dig, till, *** and plant any seeds in mine
If your days were bright, happy, enriching and sun drenched would you all even contemplate much less attempt to come in your casked dark clouds wishing rain on my parade
If you all hold love pure and true feel enamored and treasured in blissful folds would it ever even cross tender glow of warm loving hearts to hatch, maim, taint and discolor the uplifting emotions of another
If in the hallow of your hearts and souls revered in joy, peace and harmony, at ease in your environs would you and could you leave your well earned cultivated oases to rile n' strife'so woundedly and enraged, the earned peace of another human
So as apparent before the pristine light if at one with righteous things you all will not hide in shadows if garlanded with love inward an outward you will share harmony and if your hearts and minds knows true pleasure and peace you will all shine like the morning dew in radiant dawn what fate awaits dark shadows but to hide in your gloom and pains for you know all your problems are within you, gnawing away an recriminations and despondency will always rain on your souls