. Anything and everything That happens in my life Is created by the God.
All the goods I have, All the bads that ever happened, All was designed by God.
I cannot take credit of my wisdom, Nor I owe anything to my ignorance. All was destined the way it's happened.
One can plan good for me, I don't give them credit. One can plan evil for me, I don't blame them either. They are just the mediator between God and me.
The time they spent on planning the good or evil, I can assure them, God was with them at that moment.
In His presence they planned, If they wished me well, God might have blessed them too. If they wished me ill, God might have written it for them.
They are just mediators in the life I live, They can benefit by thinking about me, Because when they think about me, God reaches them too, through my thought.
It's just not about me, It's about everyone that's walking on the road, Dog, Ant, Fly, Lion, YOU & ME.
Why be proud of achievements? Why lose heart over losses??