I hate professionalism Adults, today are too professional In everything they do Like dancing, they have to be perfect And singing, they say they can do it without cue cards And hobbies, they only prefer the Rich Mans lifestyle like going to private parties and country clubs and expensive theatre shows Adults today are too professional They think kids variety nights are lame Even if they have kids who perform in them Adults are too professional They only like going to the sports to sit in the corporate box instead of sitting in the stands, people who sit in the stands wish they were in the corporate box If a poor man comes into an adults concert dressed in clothes that kids dress in they will be thrown out Because adults are too professional And unfortunately the only way to be an adult today is to be professional but there is nothing wrong with reading poems from cue cards Or singing in the back as long as you have fun That is what the world should be FUN but adults are too professional And say they have no time for fun I like people having fun But itβs hard to have fun in a professional adult world