My lips, pressed against hers in the dark, under a streetlight with only our shadows witness to our love. She stopped and pulled a cigarette out from her pocket. The tiny flicker of a flame lighted, she breathed in the smoke, and let it out in a slow exhale. The smoke rose, curling and dancing amongst the wind like white silk it wrapped around nothing until it dispersed.
When will I make it stop!
When will I hear the sporadic rise and fall of her chest before she was eternally still,
I could barely stand it! We were so close to our destination that my impatience would be the end of us. I waited and walked and watched until she came closer to that dark alleyway which I knew she would turn down. I knew she would wait outside the door wedged between and below brick walls faded and crumbling, distorted and discolored from the erosion of the winter winds. I would take her then. Then I would take her.