all of this is addled all of this is tamed behind clothed eyes...
Persists a sable seascape flotsam is cerebrum vast a featureless osmotic cathedral distant of all a sense deposed vault of the heavens muggy other
I am formation the information and I am blip within
a wink Attention! notice from the euphoria a gloss eye like obsidian perched alter praised pedestal lustcheivous spire with a height for a sky burial limpetted with devilish bloats
fractured then it actions lighthouse blinks ; warm claps of welcome dishonesty drum pats of a restorative oblivion escalate
in the other place my bodies face plates a smile my body a slack slap of meat on a ***** clothes heap my bodies head the vices lapsed child
back in the gourdular cavern the bloats loosen and slip down spire into the sable conducting liquid