You said you don't even know me anymore my moods, my personality, my characters keep on changing like the weather Morning when it rains I am sweet , gentle and romantic afternoon, when its hot and humid I am mean, I am harsh and I snap at you ...a little grouchy
Well, I really dont know... but here is the story...
On one sunny sky bright day Our love story started to bloom and the whole world cheered and clapped to celebrate this greatest love story When all of a sudden a dark cloud appeared and stole the sunshine smile away love went into coma... for a year or two
The monsoon rains and again we missed the gentle love on wet cold nights Inseparable in the love nest we built Glued together the whole rainy days
It was midnight when we had a storm Ugly weather We were forced to build this wall and kept our distance again A whole year in complete vacuum missed the love nest but preferred the cocoon better
Today is a warmer day The sun is coming out lazily a little bit of warmth in the atmosphere I tried to smile a little and I said Hello You grabbed my hand and told me Never to change the weather again I smile with tears in my eyes reminiscing all the weathers when we used to love and hate How much time have we wasted?
This is me... This is you... We are so much in love Why must we change with the weather? I might be Tornado in some days or hurricane in another but my heart beats still the same despite the weather changes Trust me My love I never changed