Sometimes we cant stop talking Try as we might it’s to no avail We've something to say about every little thing And we've no way to be sure that the other can tell what we mean And it seems like we never can completely frame The point we are trying to make before someone chimes in with a tangential observation:
See I don't think you know what I mean. What I'm trying to say is that the very thing your talking about is what I believe but a little bit different in some semantic way and, hold on, let me just think and finish my thought
and then you can speak.
And then we are coming at nothing from obtuse trajectories analyzing angles of attack without regard for the whole and then there's a misunderstanding and we start defending ourselves over a miscommunication, your tone inflects a verbal retreat and mine strains from frustration, is read as antagonism, and then received as an attack All of a sudden we are fighting over some misdeed that we've already tabled for the sake of you and me.
And sometimes we just can't stop talking.
Mostly it's me sometime I just can't stop talking.