I never had a care for myself, as long as I felt alive and did survive I never strived to protect my shell of skin, until she pried me from within.
For, although I still felt numb I lay, for once, undone before the one who prompted love's bittersweet curse. The one I could not reverse, nor find a remedy, to stop my pain to you from me.
When I am cut you bleed, and when a burn scorches my thick hide and guilts my inside, as I watch you suffer for my sin. I hurt within, as you writhe from a blow dealt by a kin.
There is no graze or scar upon my body which she has not felt, no beating I have dealt upon myself which has not gone to her twicefold. My heart burns cold at the blow that she, loveliest of creatures, was dealt me.
But, you see, I've accepted that yin to my yang you must be.
first draft was lost, this is a reconstruction of what I can remember from it.