I've never loved the story of Cinderella She's a girl who is know for her courage and kindness But I think she mistook courage for defeat
Courage is fighting for what you deserve, for what is right and just no matter what stands in your way But she never did any of that She slaved away for a decade, working her hands to the bone Covered herself head to toe in soot like a cloak of safety And she never complained
That was her version of courage Accepting pain to avoid the discomfort or disruption of others by sacrificing herself This is not courage, this is weakness
Cinderella should have thrown down her broom Stood with her head high and if a hand were raised to her let her raise a hand back Let her speak with defiance and justice But Cinderella never did such a thing She worked herself day in day out And cried when the possibility of freedom slipped away
Cinderella was not the hero of of her own story She was a girl waiting to be saved She had no courage in her, only fear and helplessness She may have been kind, but save herself she did not