Was not born with the thieving eyes or to run the common ground wanting because others have it too from youth its earn to have from sweat deserve the fruits you sowed and tilled not go wanting what is not yours
Merit is the message hammered home for there's dignity in the fruits of your mind use it well and wisely and know to earn your dues in honest toil and untroubled dreams you stay there is calm and peace in the un-offending soul finding your respect within stainless attainment
Be real and true to yourself and your dealings to envy is to scold providence and still growth for the child in you takes governance in indulgence and will find company with wayward influencers to chase wants and feed the avaricious demons thus birthing the night creepers who covert others gain
By Merit you earn and gain to prosper and fare well in company or crowd you stand and can meet all eyes a mind buoyed in lifting achievements and job well done not mired in the fears of thieves and the contempt's of kith neither hold the dark minds that bleeds pain and guilt be that person that others wish such qualities they have