The graceful Lilies of past days will remember me with fondest affection for I never wanted just a hole to root my plant but one with true loving hands and worthy tender touch a fine honest carer who in sublime air made roses fairer in bloom one that was like no other who graced flowers and never made them tokens I do not pant hungrily looking for holes to plant my seeds others of those certain types look and buy holes in gusto aplenty for to them its all about getting lilies and digging holes to plant now then deflowering in selfish throes then without care and due attention they move to the next rose who is not natures beauty but just a plant in a hole My graceful lilies of bygone yesterdays will sigh and remember me with love and affection there was a man like no other with the softest caresses who knew what made a lily bloom in the most delightful sun when he dug and tilled the soil he came with enchanted nutrients watered and showered as roses and lilies swayed and spurt aglow for this was a being not making holes