I am the icing on the cake you didn't bake the lake run dry. The guy that gave his all the ball that burst the thirst that can't be quenched I am the above and you still love me. It is a touch of destiny wherein I find the fate that you once saw that I could be and in all of me that loves all of you sometimes I know not what to do but you show me tenderness In my willingness I show you too what but what else would it serve to not deserve that which I would fight on to preserve and you who would suffer this I kiss not once,not twice but always and with all my might.
Tonight the light that shines will be the light of better times and in our better times we'll see just what the icing tastes like be with me be with me my destiny is reaching out to open doors and let me in lock me in lock me warm against your skin we'll watch the evening growing thin and let us now begin the prelude.
Play the piano break the keys smash the movements but let the moments surrender to me please at ease stand down unzips the wedding gown and all is still just Jack and Jill and the hill they need to climb.