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Jun 2013
the blooming of flowers
in the cool, breeze filled spring
brought me hope
and small joyful feelings
leaving me excited
and for the first time in a while

the cool feel of the ocean
splashing on my skin
the sand between my toes
and the sun's rays filling me with life
make me laugh
and giggle
and I knew that summer was my favorite season

the coolness of autumn
the browning of the leaves
left me a little sad
and the start of yet another school year
filled me with a sense of dread
I had not felt for almost
three whole months

the cold harsh winter
invading my life
stole my hope
and left my dreams out in the
freezing winter storms
I froze from the inside out
and I was burnt by ice
I could no longer live as I wanted to
and I fell into a deep dark place
I thought I'd left forever
but when I hit the ground I didn't stay
I broke into a million pieces
ice shatters and

never again would I see the
spring flowers bloom
the magnificent waves of the ocean
the browning leaves fall from the trees
or even that harsh winter blizzard that put me here
I was gone
Written by
romxnce  America
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