At the end of the day I can find no other place to lay the blame but on myself. Although it possibly may be my demise, I allow myself to care for those that refuse to see past their own desire. Intently I give the best of me and in turn I unintentionally add fuel to their self indulgent fire.
At the end of the day I must admit that the reason I feel the way I do soley rests on my shoulders. How ridiculously nieve of me to believe that the same rules you set forth, you yourself would abide by. Consistently ever changing are the expectations placed upon my shoulders, I fail to see a reason for me to try.
At the end of the day there is only a vaugue reflection staring back from the other side of the mirror. More often than not I find myself trying to mask my angst and perpetrate that all is as it should be. A sullen little marrionet playing pretend, frantically attempting to hide her strings so the world will think she is free.