It involves a big church A Church Pastor with a big question It could very well be a suggestion It was a strange mysterious blue cloth At one of the ends, the Blue Cloth looked like it had been eaten by a Moth It seemed this Blue Cloth was significant It certainly didn’t look at all magnificent The Blue Cloth was placed on an old wooden table But even the table didn’t look stable This is far from any fable The Blue Cloth was symbolic, but a resistance of enable Perhaps the Blue Cloth was some form of curse Now it probably needs a reverse A blessing that wouldn’t come The idea of a Blue Cloth was a cover of none A Church congregation felt the Blue Cloth had the Devil’s ways They also illustrated they didn’t want no part, and didn’t them nor stay The congregation totally went astray The Pastor and Congregation all prayed at that moment, and they were determined the Devil’s Blue Cloth wasn’t going to keep them bound Praises in the multitude one could hear the sounds So the Blue Cloth stayed on far away on that wooden table Because of the Heaven’s, the Pastor and Congregation was able The Heavenly Spirit said, “This is your getaway, and leave that Blue Cloth alone on this day” So the Blue Cloth was never seen again That Blue Cloth was an Evil friend The Blue Cloth was burned up by Heaven