We judge ourselves by the likes that we get By a digital heart that lights up We judge if we're liked by whether other people Click of a ******* button
People want to know why we hate ourselves Why when we don't have our stories seen by that one person we think that we're worthless And it's because we want to be liked No, We need to be liked We need to be told that it doesn't matter who we are It doesn't matter what we do We need to be told that you will always be with us
We judge our self worth not by the things we've accomplished But by the failures we've had Because we're told from day one that people will remember them And sure we're told that it's part of the learning process But we know it's *******
We judge ourselves by how others act And we see all the wonderful things that they do We see the perfect world that people live in, Full of vacations, pretty pictures, and date nights around the fire But we never see the lows that people have So we think that they never failed And we think that when we fail, we can never recover
We judge our self worth by the click of a button By the failures we've had, but never the accomplishments By the vacation photos that others post by the words that we hear by the actions that you take
We never judge our self worth by what we think of ourselves But by what you think of us
It kind of rambles at the end, but I think my point is clear; we judge ourselves by social media rather than what we do, and it's ruined our mental (and sometimes physical) health