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Jun 2013
When I saw you in the hospital,
it was like my lungs were rejecting the oxygen in the room.
You were so still, and pale, and I kept waiting for you to wake up.
Everything had happened so  fast,
and I didn't have time to react.
I saw my mother's hands around yours,
and then everyone was hugging me.
I couldn't think, I couldn't express anything.
I sat down, and a blanket of shock covered me.
I couldn't look away, you were so pale, so unnatural.
My mind was shut down, and all i could do was feel.
Everything told me that this wasn't real, that this wouldn't happen.
But there you were.
Even now I forget that you're gone,
I mean I put a rose on your casket,
I should realize that you won't come back.
I just never thought this would happen.
Christa Casper
Written by
Christa Casper  Idaho
   Erin, Melissa S and Anderson M
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