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Jun 2013
I am far from the finish line.
I am hurting and sore.
My body wants to quit.
It keeps yelling at me to stop.
It keeps screaming for me to stop,
but I do not listen.
My heart will always tell me to push.
That is what I do, push to my limit.
When my limit is reached, I go further.
I just want to quit, even when it is tempting me.
Quit's temptation is starting to overpower me,
just like all of the other times.
The times I failed myself.
The times I stopped when I was so close.
The times when I was scared.
Will this be just another time?

This time I will fight.
This time I will succeed.
This time I will not hold back,
for I am strong.
Friends are rooting for me.
My heart is telling me this is the time.
The time I make my choice.
Turn away, or walk through Hell?
Hell has nothing on me.
I will finish this and find glory.
I cannot and will not be stopped.
Nothing can bring me down for I am a beast.
Success is on my mind.

"Pain is temporary, glory lasts forever"
Daniel Peters
Written by
Daniel Peters
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