History has become muddled Human presumptions supposedly Tunnel Vision Bullet Train Next stop Lost Angels
Have you heard the one about The Goddess who loved a mortal man, a king of something surely Brief as Ad Hominem It's always been a life story In every embodiment love takes Turns to something else greater than mortal Things caught in Time Some wither in ignorance Fragility of flesh Romantic as the Wonder Wandering in you, Oh heavens Suppleness of Love, A face infinitely wide, Space Time expanding Apart from hearts find Oh boy having much spirit. In love, so true a light, Apart from beloved dearest To end his life as thus. Human mortality falling for
In Love With a goddess beyond Time's measure To be so loved, so rich a treasure. It's that story in every legend Come what may become Knowing now what lies inside Will have no worth of stone
His own worth, how great this love Inside he is certain The heart comes from the goddess of Love He is certain and certainly To take his own, for the after Life with death Just say k.n.o.w. No to Thoughtlessness Run Amok. Still, it sure sounds like the same ole Love story: a bridge of swallows Toward the heavens above, Love's Fire flies in the spaces dark... Birth of Life, is a Love Story.