Hola father, thou are the driver That driveth thy children to earth, Gracias! Lo siento, if as a young child, We ever cause you pains Dònde?, while sitting on your lap
Though, No me acuerdo, When thou Bésame mucho, but I could see, The emotion dancing, Nakedly in your eyes Te quiero!!
When you ask me "Còmo estàs" "Estoy bien, Gracias!" Is what I reply When strangers ask me "Còmo te illamas", happiness filled me Adding your name to mine
You taught me my first words And then, I will shout "Estoy perdido" "Por favor, habla màs despacio" You swing my cradle to and fro Mucho gusto, father!
Could remember vividly, a morning After my " Buenos dìas" greeting When you show me my La bicicleta I just want to say Father, Te quiero!!