But in reality, the story had that much effect. It involves a crime write It’s Villains that will be apprehended in plain sight This doesn’t happen at night The dialog is about two Villains and a Bank But one of the Villain’s partner always is acting shrank Yet, it was bank robbing to do But the question remains, did these Villains think the Bank Heist through? It seemed there were a lot of mistakes They were robbing a bank for goodness sake Their lives are at stake One of the Villains set off the bank alarm While the other Villain just couldn’t stay calm Truth in not using their common sense with a mind Perhaps even sounding sublime The idea was to rob the bank without being detected But the camera caught up and close personal being suspected Inspector Poet was on the scene He wrote and spoke, you Villains need to come clean Inspector Poet also wrote, how stupid to get caught The Police immediately arrived, and the Villains were taken to jail followed by Court The Villains didn’t even fight There were five police cars and back up was with might Time doesn’t offer respect, but can have an outright effect These Villains had no idea in what to expect But Inspector Poet called this story one of his rejects