Move on get over yourselves its an accident of birth if its not by your privilege I am what I am why is it your privilege to tell me you will make me not know who I am by the time you finish with me cause I don't represent your slave
who are you but a band of rogues who or what gives you the right to judge or try to subjugate me why is it your privilege to undo my traditional heritage, my cultural right you are not my maker your bullying tactics merely shames you
I wasn't raised in your home where you robbed them of their identities make them feel worthless from the day they are born our features are criticize our cultures ridiculed keep them down marginalize and minimize them to make you feel superior, powerful and in control you see my confidence, self-assurance and real character its frightened the dickens out of you, your fakeness is threatened you have to try and destroy me
Move on get over yourselves I am what and who I am and I am proud and honored to be who I am why does it bother you so much tis because you know I do not represent your slave because I was born in honor and come with dignity respectability and pride, why is it a crime to be black and proud