sometimes... you are a noose around my neck strangling suffocating terrifying
sometimes... you are like a single terrifying entity an octopus emerging from the deep seeking me out tentacles constantly moving testing embracing stinging clinging you are beautiful but so hungry your arms cover me ******* at my life force d r a i n i n g me. i want to help you but i am so small compared to your greatness ...i am surrounded.
sometimes... individuals separate and between gaping breathes dangling from the noose or glimpses between the great mass of tentacles i see one alone afraid on the edge of the abyss or a rare bright eyed spirit challenging brilliant i reach grasp around the wrists and we hold tight to each other
sometimes... you grow to my height you look into my eyes and teach me you see my struggles my fear and you teach and learn as i do and I revel in you
sometimes.... i worry. at your indifference. at your disrespect. at your unwillingness to help. at your lack of empathy. at your unwillingness to learn.
sometimes... i see in you every burst of sunlight every hope of humanity every drop of my love
always... i see a being of light deserving of respect of love of safety and protection a mind of intelligence churning with ideas bursting with creative energy