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Jun 2020
Not the GOAT
I’m the satyr
The living hell raiser
The wicked witch
Kingdom come’s
Last savior slaver
A treacherous,
Heathen heart-*****
The stake through
The maker’s
Snake oil dictator
The hiss of death,
Language translator
Original sin’s
Grin and bare intimater
Serrated edge,
Biting blade,
Weeping-vein razor
The later dude
Crude metal-headed
The twisted mind
Victimless crime
A raider of arks,  
A dark arts educator
A jack of all trades
But a 2 at hard labor
Unsavory aftertastes,
Spider face craters,
And spite, blight and plight
Just for fun
From cradle to grave
Disclosing your soul
To my Faustian waivers
Dispose of your woes
In my incinerator
And from it compose with me
Frozen rose prose  
But be free of its crown of thorns
Horned in shadows
Michael Marchese
Written by
Michael Marchese  29/M/California
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