I was driving on Interstate 95 of the New Jersey Turnpike Newark, New Jersey could be seen in plain sight I was on my way to Baltimore, Maryland As I was driving, I noticed the car was swerving in the front from side to side I was wondering if I would have an accident, and where would I reside So I slowed down, and the realized I had a tire flat in the back Now the tire needed to be changed However, this was a new car So that means the car should had gone far So here I was stuck on the New Jersey Turnpike near Bordentown There was immediate traffic moving at night Yet no New Jersey Patrol in plain sight Suddenly without notice, a New Jersey Turnpike arrived swiftly on the scene The Patrol Officer was kind, and Thank God not mean He asked what make was my car, I responded a Mercury Marquis The seconds became hours Much later, a Mechanic arrived, he said the reason he was late, and he was given the wrong make and direction Once the Mechanic was complete, I was finally on my way to my Baltimore Destination I arrived there safe I had no accident Thank God the flat tire was the only incident