My maddening whisper shall be heard For I am the King And the King am I For the glory of power is all mine And you must not deny my honour
Like the daily sun that blinds you Then so shall I For you are my children You are my sheep I am your Shepherd and so I shall do reap Reap as I sow On the harvest of my mind I beat you Scorn you Own you As it is written I am your leader I am your King
Such words can sound so hollow Yet do we not follow our Kings and Queens Who are they to say they own us Are we not of the same flesh and blood Do we not breath the same air My cry My sorrow My despair
I was not born to follow into the path On this bee led life I was born to reach out To love To cry I was born to live To fight the truth To show the the world Yet ......!!!!
The king is inside you As he is inside me You are your own king You are your own destiny Long live the King !!!!! Long live the King !!!!!