Warm sun gives its blessing to rolling blue-black cloud-band. Sudden wind blows coldly across the greening meadow. Tall young grass bends helpless before its unknown master. White tailed rabbit runs now for bramble-burrowed refuge. Knowing magpie chatters up high within tall oak tree. Mare and foal seek shelter beneath the may-thorn hedgerow. Butterfly flits wildly towards safe dry-stone walling. Heavy now the teardrops of saddened springtime weeping. Rain pours like a torrent down ancient foot-worn pathway.
Yet like a swallow flying, so soon the squall it passes!
Sunlight glints like jewels on dripping rain-bowed flowers. Blackbird sings to blackbird from branches decked with diamonds. Steam arises gently. from muddied flanks of cattle. Furtive feet bestir now to seek the heat of noontide.