Wearing dishonor proudly embracing ignorance and illiteracy lovingly confirming dishonesty and criminality as vogue teaching young minds to hate and resent successes and drive eschewing injustices, racism, foul-play, chicanery and psychopathy spreading disharmony and divisiveness in praise of sick vapid anarchy
Broken mercenaries of the broken society disconnected and disengaged in swirls of languid aims zombies bereft in screen lives and push buttons expenditures fully cargo-ed empties sipping hot hedonistic escapism fully brewed doyens of the blame-games and cultural Heads of Pass-the-buck clubs contemporary modern Barbarians activists molding our brave New world
Waring on a bellyful of bacon, chips and eggs adequately equipped with gallons of ales, beers and lagers kitted out at the pubs at the knees of the Pints Politicians in-experts barrack-room lawyers at your service freshly from the Tuft Accountants fully loaded blunderbuss and muskets ready and aimed dear masses victory is ours for in solidarity we stand against the air and the Black Knight