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May 2020
It is a delicate thing a mask
So small, small, small yet
My mask is carefully fashioned,
Crafted and shaped
Flawless but for a crack on the side I
Drape and drape my hair over
It is fine
No one notices
Or cares
Sometimes I wonder why I wear it
But when I get home
Staring at the mirror I am reminded
Why it must be so
My mask is my companion and friend
My harshest critic and my enemy
Yet it has been with me through ups and downs
And lows
The only constant in life
And sometimes when Iā€™m alone
A tear drops
From the crack on the side
I was working on a Literature assignment for about two hours when I decided that poem I was writing wasn't great, so I started all over and wrote this in five minutes.
Written by
Sanek  18/On a Pacific Island
(18/On a Pacific Island)   
     Vaampyrae, Fawn and Bogdan Dragos
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