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Jun 2013
Like a fist full of steel it needs no introduction.
swaying violently...  
swaying brutal.
a pit of madness awaits its adversary.

It bleeds in colour.
  Psychedelic colour, forthwith a hazy trance.
Producing a rapture of spiral descent, into a blackness unknown
and then...  
it bleeds in black.

Its a blood drunk that drinks spirits of the human kind through a straw.
A fear monger provokes phantasmagoria.
It holds no mercy, no sympathy, no alliance
only self discovery.

Face your fear monger
live your dream.

© June 2013  E. Little
Written by
Gene  Cape Town South Africa
(Cape Town South Africa)   
   Jess, ---, Rob Rutledge, Leelan Farhan and AJ
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