the melodramatic beating of one in the next room breathing in-out-in-out- it makes the house have a pulse, that kieeps you up for hours until your body shuts down, your eyes shut, and the beating, breathing, is simply your heart giving you a rhythm to your dreams. when the moons amber liquidness melts into your house through the windows and forgotten unlocked doors, filling it and making itself into pictures and hanging around, of old memories, in broken flames and broken clocks. clocks clocks, tick tok tick tok... didnt you ever think clocks want a different beat. havent you heard, rabbits and turttles, can fall in love too? dont you ever consider the possibility, that it is not going to work out? that things in this world, dont go smoothly. that is still no reason to give up. find a different beat, find a new lover, just dont leave, just dont give up.