Palms read at a Psychic Eye, Queries for her tarot cards A youth full of doubt asks why Who was I In the chaos far long gone, Before this breath fast / Falls to sleep. From dreamy wish to bones Six feet deep...past life of one Mr. Nobody, Graduation Class of ‘93. Who was he before? Doubt the fortunes could tell us more That Old ghost inside this shell... As she Unveils dark curtains Her many wares to sell...
“Once you were a shaman,” she says To her mark she barks “Before the white men came“
From not that far The wild untamed Such heights Native son, you will light The ways made dark Though this feels like a hollowed heart, Pause then when She begins to sob Feelings / wars inside (not lost) Just a small spark of light At nightly cross Until our ends Space/time is a canvas To only behold What was now Fast awake Like stars that guide Ships of old, arrive as new life. Who knows...
“Once that shaman was you...” Who knew you Were then Back when Before our human birth Returns to the earth, Arrive as new You now.