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May 2020
Will you remember
Or will you forget
The first time you saw me?
The first time you held me?
The first time you were attracted to me?
The first time you cared for me?
The exact moment you fell in love?
The first time you kissed me?
The first time you spent time with me?
Our first time out together?
The fisrt time you didn't wanna let go?
The first time you couldn't resist
The urge to call?
The first time I was on your mind
For the whole day?
The first time you couldn't wait
To see my pretty face?

Will you remember
Or will you forget
The first time you didn't miss me?
The first time you hated my calls
The first time you didn't wanna talk to me?
The first time you stopped caring?
The first time you couldn't stand me?
The first time you lost interest?
The first time you let go?
The exact moment you lost the love?

Will you forget?
Or will you remember?
I hope you forget
I hope you remember
Written by
Naomie  25/F/Kenya
   Roy Lillan, Fawn, gabby and Khoisan
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