It seems that every time I'm with you, I feel inspired. And of course, with inspiration comes the utmost desire to do the one thing I love greatest; and that, is to write.
But how do I write, when words can't even begin to describe the way you play the piano? Your gentle fingers stroke each key with such delicateness and I want to cry because your hands could never cause harm the way mine do.
How do I write, when not even the world's greatest camera could capture the beauty of the nighttime sky and all the other outside wonders that look so much more radiant when I'm walking right next to you?
A poem cannot justify the fact that I used to stay indoors when it poured down rain because I was scared of getting wet. But with you, I'd walk through a hailstorm and that would be completely fine with me.
To be honest, it should scare me that a girl who loves words could be so speechless. But I am fearless because being with you has taught me that sometimes I don't need to think and I don't need to see. I don't need anything but my heart, for every pulsing beat will tell me what to do.
And now, as I frantically search for something to say; an incredible form of literature that would take your breath away, I realize that I don't need to.
Because how do I write, when not even the smartest human on earth could explain how when I'm with you, my demons turn into angels?
I need not say more because sometimes words just aren't enough. So hopefully one day I can close my mouth, open my heart, and show you that I do indeed care about you, too.